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How to Beat The January Blues: Top Tips to Stay Positive In 2023

20 December 2022

When the highs of Christmas and New Year are replaced by the January void, it's easy to feel directionless, vacant, and just about fed up.

In fact, The Samaritans have found that 20% of people experience depression at this time of year.

It's a time when determination fades for our New Year's Resolutions, a time when we head back to work, and a time when cold days and dark nights see no end.

And all this without the festivities to keep us going.

But by making simple and small changes to our everyday living, we can beat the blues and discover how to stay positive in 2023.

1. Set Reasonable Goals

Setting goals gives us purpose, but it's difficult to reap those rewards and stay positive if our goals are unrealistic and indefinite.

That's why it's important to keep them SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

It's all about thinking small about big ideas; instead of 'I want to exercise more', try thinking 'I want to go on a 30-minute walk every day for a month'.

Likewise, instead of just wanting to save money, why not create a dedicated savings account and commit to putting away £5, £10 or even £20 a month?

B&M Top Tip: Keep track of all your daily and weekly achievements no matter how small, and treat yourself to something special. Acknowledging and celebrating the fact that you are meeting those goals not only makes you feel great, it creates more incentives to keep going. 

2. Eat A More Balanced Diet

We're not here to lecture you about dieting and healthy eating - you'll be seeing enough of that already!

What is important is making tiny changes to your usual routine. This will make it easier to sustain those changes while encouraging you to go further.

This could mean smaller portions, that extra vegetable or two, or drinking more water at work. 

By opting for a more balanced diet, you're giving your mind, body and soul the right nutrients to keep focused, positive and fit - both mentally and physically.

3. Get Better Sleep & Recharge

So much of our mental health is linked to our physical health - it's why we feel so good after exercising, or feeling like a weight has been lifted when we speak and engage with a friend when something is on our mind.

And getting a good night's sleep is no different. 

Sleep helps us to process memories, rest our muscles, and improve our mood by combatting stress.

Want a better night's sleep? Here are five tips to get more from your snooze:

  • Reduce screen time before bed
  • Try to avoid eating heavy meals late at night
  • Maintain a well-ventilated room
  • Try and stick to a routine to programme your body to go to sleep and wake at set times
  • Keep a dark and comfortable environment

4. Reconnect With Your Passions

Hobbies make life much more enjoyable, but it's no secret that we're leading busier lives, leaving little to no time for ourselves.

But once you manage to channel that energy into something you're passionate about, you'll be able to enjoy a much more fulfilled and positive life.

Try setting some time aside to reconnect with old hobbies or discover new ones. Whether it's an hour a day or once a week - making time for you is important to staying positive, motivated and fulfilled.

5. Affirmations & Positive Thinking

How you begin your mornings can really set the tone for the rest of the day.

For some, that morning coffee is a must, while others swear by that brisk morning walk.

But have you ever tried morning affirmations?

Morning affirmations are a great way to start the day positively by expressing gratitude - out loud - for the little things in life, from family and food to having a roof over your head.

Morning affirmations also help you to avoid negative thinking by aligning your day with positive intentions that can help you make the right decisions more consciously.

Are you excited for all that 2023 holds? Do you have some great tips to stay positive and beat the January blues? Share all your ideas with the B&M Community over on TwitterFacebook or Instagram!