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Guest Recipe: Jas's Hot Cross Breakfast Bun

Guest Recipe: Jas's Hot Cross Breakfast Bun Guest Recipe: Jas's Hot Cross Breakfast Bun

With Easter close approaching, try out this meal idea to treat yourself in the morning, impress your partner or keep your kids happy.

Hot cross buns are iconic around this time of year because of their light, subtle sweetness and spiced cinnamon flavours, along with the puffy textures throughout the bun. They are typically enjoyed as they are or sometimes with a spread, but I thought for this occasion I will take on a slightly different approach and through reading this blog, you’ll see why.

When I have something for breakfast I like something sweet like croissants or pancakes, and this recipe has a great balance and contrast of sweet and savoury ingredients.

Full of flavours, a different perspective on the classic bacon roll or full English breakfast, we have the Hot Cross Breakfast Bun. You may be thinking how does that work, that doesn’t sound great, but believe me, once you’ve tried this recipe out it’ll be one you’ll want to keep a note of. Besides, if you can’t decide whether to have sweet or savoury for breakfast why not have the two?

  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 25 min
  • Total Time: 30 min

Serves: 2 servings

Category: Breakfast,Easter


  • 2 hot-cross buns
  • 2 chicken sausage
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 hash brown
  • A handful of watercress


  1. First you are going to want to preheat the oven to 200°. Then pop your hash browns and chicken sausages onto a heatproof tray and cook for 25 minutes. Turn the sausages and hash browns over halfway through to cook evenly.
  2. Once the oven cooking time comes down to 10 minutes, you are going to want to get out of your frying pan to fry the eggs to your preference. I flipped my eggs and cooked them to the point where you could still get that runny yolk.
  3. You can toast your hot cross buns either in the toaster or oven, whatever suits you. If you want to pop them in the oven, do this when the oven cooking time comes down to 8 minutes. They should be lightly browned by the time they come out.
  4. Then once everything is cooked, it’s the assembling stage. Get your hot cross buns out and butter them, then pop on your watercress, hash browns, chicken sausages, and fried eggs, finished off with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Finally serve and enjoy this delicious sweet and savoury bun packed with flavours and colourful ingredients.


Jas Fitze loves exploring the world of food and drinks through many avenues. Whether visiting restaurants and cafes, making delicious recipes at home, or buying new products at the supermarket, it’s an exciting journey.

She is often trying out new recipes as it not only opens her eyes to the combinations out there but gives endless inspiration and approaches to other dishes she creates. If you would like to learn more about what Jas gets up to, check out her other content surrounding food and drink, lifestyle, travel and architecture on her Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or her blog.