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5 Cheap Halloween Decorations You Can Make Yourself

05 October 2018


If you’re hosting a party for Halloween then we’re sure you’re already considering all kinds of decorations.

There are plenty on offer at B&M, but those of you who would love a cheaper, more creative alternative, you’ll need some ideas – so we’re here to help!

Glow in the Dark Pumpkins

Pumpkins are part and parcel of a good Halloween decoration at home, with so much fun to be had carving them out.

Go and pick some pumpkins with the kids and enjoy an afternoon of fun as you carve scary faces into them.

Once that’s done, pick up a can of Plastikote Glow in the Dark Spray Paint, lay the pumpkin down in a safe space and start covering it in the paint! You’ll be amazing with how it looks.

Candles are also another way to provide a spooky atmosphere. Dot around these Mini Candle Jars and switch off the lights!

Mummify Your Front Door

Using toilet roll, you can make your front door look like a mummy has risen from the dead!

Wrap it tightly around the front and back to create a superb, cheap Halloween decoration. Make sure to craft some spooky eyes too by drawing on card or paper, and cutting it out.

B&M Top Tip: Decorate your interior doors too with this Gruesome & Gory Door Curtain, making your friends and family walk through it!

LED Candle Pumpkins

Candles in pumpkins are a hallmark of Halloween, but do you fancy being a little bit safer with a few kids around the house?

Pick up some LED Tea Light Candles from B&M and place them inside a hollow pumpkin to create the same glow, but without the need for a naked flame!


DIY Spider Web

There are lots of different ways you can get creative here. By using a ball of string and sticky tape, you could make huge spider webs to hang up around the house.

Stick them along walls and doors, or hang them up from the ceiling to give family and friends a little scare!  

B&M Top Tip: Bin Bags can also be used to create a spider web if you’re feeling extra creative.

Spooky Window Silhouettes

This one is fun to scare passers-by and guests as they show up to your party.

Pick up some black card or paper – as much as you can get a hold of – and cut human-sized shapes. Cut some witches and vampires if you’re feeling confident, or try a simpler ghost silhouette.

Stick them to the insides of your windows and switch the lights on. Their figures will loom large from the windows – giving everyone a fright!

B&M Top Tip: How about offering a spooky light show on the exterior of your house too? Using this LED Light Show Projector, you can cast scary images all over your home to welcome your guests!


Check out our full range of Halloween Decorations online, and be sure to head into stores to pick some up!

Do you have any more creative tips for Halloween decorations? If so, let the B&M community know all about them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

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