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6 Post-Workout Protein Smoothie Recipes

06 September 2016


Recovering from a workout means more than lying down for a while!

After a tough session at the gym your muscles, along with your respiratory and cardiovascular systems will feel depleted and although resting for a while may help you summon the energy to get out of your sweaty gym gear and into a shower, what your body really needs is a hit of nutrition.

To recover from exercise, your body needs some slow-release energy and nutrients to replace those you’ve lost and a dose of protein to help your muscles recover and repair so that they can maintain the strength and flexibility you need to get through your next workout comfortably.

Protein is an essential building block for healthy muscle tissue and the sooner you can replenish tired, post-workout muscle groups with it, the better. But, eating a meal straight after a workout can be impractical and troublesome for digestion so get your protein fix from a smoothie instead.

Here are 5 simple protein smoothie recipes that are ideal for workout recovery:

1. Chocolate Banana Protein Smoothie

Smoothie-Blog-Chocolate-Banana-SquareThis one sounds good enough to slurp whether you work out or not!

This simple recipe from Busy Parent Fitness includes just five ingredients that can be whizzed up in a blender in less than one minute, and if you’re looking for low-cal options, you can find an alternative version of this recipe on their page.

2. Post-Workout Green Smoothie

This smoothie recipe from Gimme Some Oven is a rich source of the proteins, antioxidants and slow-release energy you need after a workout.

With a selection of ingredients including frozen pineapple, Greek yoghurt, ginger and fresh spinach, this colourful smoothie is a refreshing and revitalising recovery drink that will have you back on the treadmill in no time.

Smoothie-Blog-Shake-Square3. Post Workout Choc Peanut Protein Ice-Cream Shake

This smoothie recipe from SCI MX Nutrition is designed to satisfy your sweet tooth, your appetite and your physical need for protein replenishment.

This scientifically engineered powder formula is designed to help you maximise your performance and provide you with the powerful boost of proteins you need after a hard workout.

We supply a range of SCI-MX protein products instore, including powders, ready-to-drink shakes and snack bars so you can find everything you need to match your nutritional intake to your exercise regime.

4. Oaty Goodness Smoothie

This smoothie recommended by Russell Hobbs is packed with fresh banana and apple and energy boosting honey, oats, yogurt and milk.

Simply combine the ingredients, blend until smooth and pop them into a shaker bottle for a post-workout drink that’s tasty, wholesome and filling enough to see you through to your next healthy meal.

Smoothie-Blog-Russell-Hobbs-Square5. Dr. Mike’s Power Shake

This gorgeous recipe combines a protein powder with fresh blueberries, nuts and seeds to give you the post-workout boost of antioxidants you need to remove ageing toxins or “free radicals” that occur as a natural by-product of exercise.

(P.S If you scroll down the page on this smoothie recipe guide from Men’s Health, you’ll find another suggestion for a Double Chocolate Mint Smoothie. Just saying…)

6. Super Green Protein Smoothie

This super green recipe from Lucy Locket Loves is jam-packed with nutrients to help repair your body after an intense workout. Almond milk is a great alternative to regular milk for those fitness fanatics and banana contributes to those much needed carbs after exercise.

Lucy loves hers alongside a serving of avocado on toast which is full of healthy fats and carbs making it perfect for your post-workout refuel.

All of these protein smoothie recipes are incredibly easy to make. Simply pick up the workout gear, SCI-MX protein supplements, blenders and nutritional snacks you need at your local branch of B&M and get fit, fast!