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A New Year, A New You? How to Stick With Your New Year's Resolution

13 December 2021

New Year, New You

Keeping your New Year’s resolutions can be tough. It’s easy to fall into bad habits - and to feel disappointed in yourself as a result. This is bad for your wellbeing and your overall sense of achievement!

In this article, the team at B&M discuss how to make that resolution stick.

Break It Down & Make A Plan

Invest in a beautiful new diary or planner and some gorgeous stationery and start to work on your goals. Think about what is achievable within a certain time frame and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

Incremental planning is key - big goals are difficult to manage all at once, and you don’t want to end up beating yourself up for failing to achieve the impossible!

B&M Top Tip: Create a plan that consists of short term targets. These should be easy-to-achieve weekly or monthly goals that carry you just that little bit further towards a major finish line.

Make Sure You’re Well Equipped

Once you have your goals set, it’s time to begin your preparations. Do your research and work out what you need in order to reach your goal.

If you want to run a marathon, find out when major races take place and what equipment you’ll need to start training. 

If you’re planning an amazing home or garden makeover, work out where you’ll learn the skills involved and what tools you need.

Stay Positive with Self Care

No one stays motivated by beating themselves up. You need respite in between periods of action to keep yourself healthy, or you’ll be more likely to experience burnout.

Take a little break now and then, and enjoy a spot of pampering. Pick up some scented candles and try meditating. Eat well, drink water and stay nourished. Sleep at the right times. All of these things will provide you with energy and assist you in staying focused.

Gain Support from Others

Telling friends and family about your goals will make them feel real - and will force you to hold yourself accountable for the odd little wobble!

Your loved ones will want to see you succeed. They’ll encourage you to stop procrastinating and give you the support you need to push on. They’ll celebrate your successes, no matter how small!

B&M Top Tip: At this time of year, you won’t be the only person working on a resolution. Arrange check-ins with your friends so that you can support them too.

Treat Yourself When You Reach a Goal

Practice positive reinforcement whenever you smash one of your targets. 

Want a new watch? Buy it when you next exceed your personal best. Hankering after a certain perfume or scent? You can have it when you’ve finished that textbook. This will help you stay motivated.

B&M Top Tip: Keep your treats in line with your goals. Don’t celebrate weight loss with a huge chocolate binge, or excelling in your learning by not studying for a while. This will end get in the way of your progress!

Follow this guide on how to keep your New Year’s resolutions by carefully planning and preparing, sharing goals with others and looking after your physical and mental health. Once you’ve mastered this process, you can achieve anything!

Check out our Gifts section for some great motivational treats.

Got your own tips on how to achieve your goals in the new year? Share them with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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