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Garden Flowers to Plant in Spring 2022

07 April 2022

Garden Flowers for Spring

The days are getting longer and the skies are brighter than ever, and it’s time to start soaking in whatever sunshine we can. By making our gardens and outside spaces more enjoyable to relax in, we can really appreciate the turn of the season.

If you’re ready to breathe some new life into your winter trodden garden and rake away the debris of the colder seasons, take inspiration from nature’s favourites in spring. 

Seeing the first sprouts of flowers poke through the soil and climb up the trellis can get anyone through those spring showers, and remind you of the approaching summer. Regardless of what seeds you choose to plant, watching flowers bloom is always worth your gardening efforts. 

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We’ve put together some of Spring’s prettiest flowers that will transform any garden into a beautiful landscape of colours and plants. If you’re looking for some inspiration in your garden this Spring, take a look at our favourite plants of the season…


A classic spring bloomer, the pink-and-white petals create a cheery atmosphere for your flower beds to enjoy. These flowers especially love plenty of sunlight but don’t worry about the cloudy Spring afternoons, as they can enjoy partial sunlight too.


An iconic flower of Spring, the daffodil must be planted in autumn to get the full effect of the bright yellow petals. But if you’ve missed the opportunity to plant the bulbs, you can still make room for the fully grown plant in your flowerbed. They aren’t one to miss if you want a Spring garden, so we’d highly recommend this one.


Coming in a range of bright colours, these flowers smell lovely and round off a Spring garden collection of flowers and plants perfectly. They’re toxic to smaller animals too, so you won’t find any tooth marks in their petals or stems either. 


You’ll appreciate adding a fair few primroses into your garden this Spring. Their rainbow of colours take little care to maintain, and they’ll bloom in most weather conditions, with bright colours of purple, white, pink and yellow gracing your garden. 


Similar to daffodils, the Forsythia is a bright yellow flower that will add plenty of personality to your Spring garden this year. The low maintenance shrub grows quickly and is thick with little petals, so they’re perfect for adding some texture too. 


These vibrant plants will make the perfect addition to any flower bed this Spring, carpeting the soil with beautiful petals in a variety of colours. They’re iconic in cottage-style gardens and their fragrant scent makes for a fantastic addition to your garden in Spring. 


Choose the Rhododendron for their peachy pinks and purple shades with shiny leaves. They compliment any other vibrant Spring flower in your garden. With over 600 species to choose from, you’ll have plenty of different types to add to your flower bed. 


Tulips are a symbol of love and come in the perfect colours to bring in the new Spring season. Their petals are usually dramatic and much bigger than other flowers, with bright colours such as red, pink, yellow or white. 

Before you get planting, get prepared!

The most important factor when planning your garden is making sure you give your plants exactly what they need. 

Of course, we recommend reading the label of any plant you take home to your garden.  Understanding how much sunlight each plant needs, along with shade and favoured watering habits. Keeping on top of these are the foundation to happy and healthy plants that last the whole of Spring. 

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Maintain the soil before planting too by sieving through to remove large clumps that can restrict water flow to your plant’s roots. Once it’s sieved, save your back the pain with a roller kart to transport the soil to where you need it!

Planting in some sprinkler stakes in amongst your flower beds and save yourself the long watering process once everything is in place.

Once you’re ready to get planting, having the right equipment will make the job much easier and produce a better result.

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Grab a pair of gardening gloves and your favourite gardening tools, and get down and dirty. If you want to avoid getting too much muck on your gardening outfit, we recommend having a kneeler - it’ll keep you feeling comfy too!

Don’t forget to have a stack support mesh and garden stakes too - your plants might need a helping hand in the beginning! Gardening bags are great to have to hand when ripping up weeds from your garden is key to reducing the amount of rubbish you have to clean up once you’re done. 

Are any of these flowers going to feature in your garden this Spring? We'd love to see what you’ve chosen to feature in your flowerbeds, and all the products you’re treating your garden with! Share your buys with the B&M Community on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

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