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How to Sow Vegetable Seeds

06 April 2021


Early summer is a great time for planting seeds, particularly if you’re hoping to sow fast growing vegetable seeds.

In this article, the team at B&M explains how to sow vegetable seeds step by step - whether you plan on growing salad, pumpkins, squash, root vegetables or anything besides.

1: Stock up on the Right Garden Tools

Growing veg from seed outdoors or indoors is easier with the right equipment. Learn about top gardening essentials here.

2: Fill your Planters or Pots with Compost

In order to start seeds off with the best possible nutrients - whether they’re sown outdoors or germinated indoors - your next step should be to fill containers with quality compost

There are even planters available containing ready-prepared enriched soil.

B&M Top Tip: Keep soil moist to make sure seedlings don’t dry out.

3: Spread Seeds Evenly

Next, sow your seeds. It’s important to make sure each has enough room to grow. Space them carefully and evenly - there may be instructions on the back of the seed packets.

B&M Top Tip: Sprinkle small seeds on top of the soil without covering. Bigger seeds should be covered with a thin layer of compost.

4: Ensure the Pots are Covered

Whether you choose planters, troughs or other containers, cover them up. This protects seeds from inclement weather and birds if they’re sown outdoors.

When sowing indoors, covering will keep the moisture in and the temperature constant.

5: Keep at an Even Temperature

Your next step should be to make sure your seeds can be kept at a constant temperature throughout the germination period.

If you’re helping seeds to germinate inside before sowing them outdoors it’s easier to control the temperature. If they get too cold or hot at this delicate stage, they may not grow.


6: Uncover the Seeds after Germination

When growing seeds indoors or outdoors, protective covers should be removed as soon as sprouting starts - otherwise their air won’t circulate properly, they won’t get the light they need and excess moisture may cause them to rot.

7: Prick out the Seedlings

“Pricking out” means carefully removing individual seedlings from a tray or shared container and moving them on to their own individual planter - or even into a vegetable patch or bed.

Do this as soon as the first leaves start to show.

8: Pot Plants Individually

Finally, plant your seedlings out in large enough pots or planters to allow each vegetable plant space to grow above and below the ground. You can do this as early as 3 - 4 weeks from sowing.

Place pots according to the seed packet instructions (consider light, temperature, moisture, shelter and other factors).

Some may outgrow their pots and need to be planted out into your vegetable patch, while others can be grown in a container until harvest.

B&M Top Tip: Great seeds to get you started include tomatoes of all varieties, spring onions, bell peppers, chilli peppers and runner beans.


So - how to sow vegetable seeds? Choose the right equipment, use good compost, position and cover seeds properly, monitor temperatures, then uncover, move and replant seeds carefully.

B&M Top Tip: Browse our Garden section for all of the seeds, materials and tools you’ll need.

How do you grow veg? Share with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

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