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Recipe: S’mores...The Perfect Post BBQ Snack

25 July 2018

Have you ever made the American campfire classic known as s’mores? If you haven’t heard of them it’s understandable, but chances are you may have already tried them without even knowing it. Simply put a marshmallow on a skewer or stick, hover over a fire for a few minutes, then sandwich in between two biscuits!

What You'll Need

If you want to enjoy a great post-BBQ snack or dessert, enjoyed by children and adults alike, you'll need a few basic ingredients:

The great thing about s’mores is that you can easily change up what kind of biscuits you’re using, along with swapping out the chocolate or marshmallows for whatever filling is your favourite.

The Method

Ideally you will have already finished off a BBQ and will still have it heated and ready to be used. The temperature is easier to regulate using a gas BBQ of course, but you can still achieve the same effect with a coal BBQ.

If you're not barbequing, you can still enjoy these heavenly treats. You can always use a fire pit instead (such as our Boston Fire Pit), as long as you're using clean fuel that's not giving out a black smoke. And if all else fails and it starts to rain, move indoors and use a grill instead.

Whatever you use, stick to the following method and you won't go wrong - just be careful when handling food around fire with any small children (B&M Top Tip: our Kids Plastic Plates are great for catching dripping marshmallow!)

  1. Make sure the fire/BBQ/grill is preheated (to around 200? if the option is available)
  2. Place the biscuits face down on a clean tray 
  3. Placing the marshmallow on a skewer or stick, hold over the fire (or place under the grill) for a few minutes, or until it starts to brown and go gooey
  4. If you are having melted chocolate, break up into small pieces and wrap in foil before placing on the BBQ for a few minutes until slightly melted. Scoop the melted chocolate out with a spoon and put on one biscuit
  5. Put the molten marshmallow on the second biscuit and press down on the other chocolate covered biscuit to make your s’more

Feeling Creative

If you want to try something a little more creative, then have a read of our tempting s’mores recipe ideas below and pick out your favourite:
  • Use Your Favourite Biscuits - upgrade your standard s’mores by adding chocolate chip cookies to the outside, or even Hobnobs, Oreos or ginger biscuits
  • Add Spread - use Nutella or another chocolate spread instead of melted chocolate, or you could even use jam or lemon curd for a much fruitier taste
  • Add Sauce - why not use caramel or even raspberry sauce and squeeze onto the molten marshmallow before making your s’more?
  • Add Fruit - if you're after more of a gourmet s’more, try adding sliced strawberries or banana on top of your marshmallow

Have you been making s’mores with your family and friends? Share all your best s’mores pictures over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

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