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The Ultimate Winter Car Survival Checklist

27 October 2016

Winter can be a rough time for drivers. You spend the morning waiting for your windows to clear up while getting worked up about being late for work. This stress can then carry over into the commute, and when everyone is stressed on an icy road, dangers can arise.

Thankfully we have a range of Car Care Accessories available to make driving on the winter roads safer while helping to relieve some of the more stressful situations. Here is our winter car checklist, a selection of motoring accessories that no driver should be without this season:

CarPlan Blue Star Ready Mixed Antifreeze & Coolant 1L - £1.99

The first thing you should look into when the colder months set in is some antifreeze for your radiator. This will ensure that your radiator doesn’t freeze over during the cold nights, and allow you to use the heat to clear your windows.

Luckily, the CarPlan brand comes ready mixed, meaning you don’t have to waste time mixing antifreeze with your normal coolant. Finding the right ratio can be tricky for first timers!

CarPlan Four Seasons Concentrated Screenwash 1L - £1

Winter can play havoc with your windscreen. The ice that covers it every morning leaves streaks that form abstract patterns with the ones that you leave while scraping. This is why you need to make sure that your screenwash is topped up, making your windscreen squeaky clean once again.

CarPlan Four Seasons comes with the added bonus of being made with a special formula that prevents freezing, making it ideal for use in winter!

In-Car Ashtray Cup Holder - £1

The In-Car Ashtray Cup Holder is an innovative idea that turns your car’s middle ashtray into a cup holder, perfect for holding your flask or cup of warm coffee on those cold winter mornings.

A cup of coffee is a great way to relax after de-icing your windows in the morning and the extra caffeine boost can come in handy when maneuvering those tricky, icy roads.

Auto Tech 4 Amp Battery Charger - £9.99

During the winter you’ll most likely have the heating on in the car, and may even be using your fog lights if the weather is particularly grim. Couple this with the fact that poor road conditions will most likely leave you stationary for longer, putting a lot of extra pressure on your battery.

The Auto Tech 4 Amp Battery Charger is a great way to stay safe by being able to charge your own battery if anything were to happen. The low price of £9.99 is great value compared to the price of calling out your breakdown service!

Auto Tech Digital Air Compressor 12V - £11.99

While you are being on the safe side with your battery charger, why not go the whole way and get an air compressor to go with it? The roads become even more uneven during winter due to the grit, ice and the increased chance of potholes.

This device is used to pump air into your tyres and comes with a built in display to make sure that they are at the correct level of pressure. Maintaining your tyre pressure is important for your car as an incorrect level can cost you a fortune in wasted fuel and can even lead to chassis damage in extreme cases.

RAC HD Dash Cam 2.0" - £39.99

A dash cam is a great piece of kit to have for your car in general but it becomes even more useful in winter. A dash cam records the view from your windscreen during your journey. This can come in handy in the case of an accident and can be used as evidence, meaning that you could potentially save a lot of money on your insurance premiums in the event of an accident that wasn’t your fault.

The dash cam records a constant stream of 720p whenever your engine is on. It also features a built in microphone and photo mode and the lense can capture clear video, day or night.


So there you have it, the perfect checklist for your car in the winter, to keep you safe and comfortable on those chilly, dark mornings. All of these items are available at incredible value at B&M stores nationwide.

Calling all motorists! Got a great tip of your own? Is there something missing from our winter car checklist? Share your tips and tricks with us and other B&M fans on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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