Tips for Growing Vegetables in Any Garden
21 April 2016
You don’t need to be a green-fingered garden supremo or the owner of an allotment to pull-off a crop of yummy organic veg. All you need to grow vegetables in any garden is a few B&M supplies and these handy tips:
Taking Care of Your Vegetables![]()
Vegetables can be a little more needy than your average plant so if you can’t remember the last time you watered your houseplants, (we’re not judging!) it’s worth doing a little research to find out what the veggies you’d like to grow really need before you get started.
Every seed packet comes with instructions on the back, including information on the right time to plant, water and harvest your veg. That’s right, in just a few months you could be harvesting your first garden crop, exciting isn’t it!
Depending on how big your garden is, what you grow and where, you’re probably going to need a garden hose or watering can, some compost to help your plants produce plump, juicy pickings, some gardening gloves and a few essential tools.
B&M Tip: We provide a great range of colourful ceramic pots and garden tools for kids, so get them involved too!
Let There be Light!
Healthy veggies need a good dose of sunlight to grow but you don’t need to live in the tropics.
Peas, spinach, broad beans, rocket and chard all grow above ground and can cope with just a few hours of sun per day, as can veggies that grow underground like carrots, parsnips and beetroot.
If your garden enjoys lots of sunlight, then tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are total sun-worshippers and will flourish wherever you put them.
B&M Tip: Only trying growing vegetables you actually like eating! It makes it easier to stay motivated to look after them and ensures anything you produce gets used.
Growing Vegetables in Pots and Planters
Plant pots and planters are ideal for small gardens and patios or apartment balconies, and some vegetables grow really well in them.
In a sunny spot, tomatoes can grow like wildfire in a hanging basket and by growing them up-high, you can free up floor space for another planter to grow a different kind of veg like beetroot or potatoes in.
Herbs like parsley, mint and coriander work really well in pots too - well if you’re going to grow the veg, you might as well grow the seasonings as well! Pop them on windowsills, hang them on fence panels or dot them about your garden.
Just think, soon you could be cooking your own organic potatoes and garnishing them with some freshly picked mint – delicious!
B&M Tip: Herbs like dill, mint and basil can grow very quickly so if you find you have too much, take cuttings, wash them, chop them and freeze them in ice cube trays with a little water. Then simply pop them straight into dishes as and when they’re needed.
Have you got any great tips for growing veg at home? We love hearing your gardening success stories so feel free to boast about them over on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.