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Guest Recipe: Emily's Summer Fruit Smoothie

Guest Recipe: Emily's Summer Fruit Smoothie Guest Recipe: Emily's Summer Fruit Smoothie

Smoothies are a great, healthy treat and perfect for warmer days. Smoothies are quick to
make and easy to customise. If you’re looking for a refreshing way to cool down this summer, why not try my favourite strawberry smoothie bowl?

You can drink it as a smoothie or thicken it up and create a smoothie bowl, which is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dessert. There are many ways to switch up the recipe so everyone will enjoy this summery delight!

Before making this recipe, make sure your fruit is frozen. If you’re using fresh fruit, I usually leave it in the freezer for at least a day before I want to make these. You don’t want to use fresh fruit as it will give your bowl a runnier consistency. You can also use frozen fruit from the supermarket!

  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 0 min
  • Total Time: 5 min

Serves: 2 smoothies

Category: Healthy Eating,Breakfast,Lunch,Smoothies


  • 1 cup milk
  • A whole frozen banana
  • 2 cups of frozen strawberries
  • A spoonful of ice cream
  • A handful of fresh strawberries


    1. In an electric blender, blitz your banana and strawberries until they won’t blend anymore.
    2. Turn off the blender and scrape the sides. Repeat the blending process until you’ve created a thick, sorbet-like texture.
    3. Slowly add in your ice cream and milk to create the consistency of ice cream. You want your smoothie bowl to be thick.
    4. Once you have created an ice cream texture, pour the mixture into a bowl. If your smoothie texture is too runny, blend in some ice or more frozen fruit.
    5. Chop strawberries into slices and decorate the smoothie bowl. You can make it look pretty, or throw them on top! You can also top with grated chocolate, granola, other chopped fruit, etc.

Alternatives To Try

If you don’t like bananas, you can replace them with a cup of frozen mango. It creates a tropical smoothie vibe and gives a similar texture!

If you want to drink the smoothie, add a full scoop of ice cream and a whole cup of milk to make it runnier. It should give your smoothie a drinkable consistency, and you won’t need to use a spoon!

You can make a nutrient-dense smoothie bowl by adding ingredients such as nut butter, spinach, protein powder or raw cacao! Note that these will slightly change the consistency and taste, but it’s fun to play with combinations!

You can top the smoothie bowl with lots of different things. Try freeze-dried berries, chia seeds, caramel sauce, melted peanut butter, shredded coconut and more! Depending on what time of day you’re eating the bowl and how substantial you want it to be, there are many toppings to try.

Emily is a food, productivity and personal finance blogger based in Cambridge. Over on her blog, Love Em, you’ll find tips and tricks to save and make money while living your life intentionally and to its fullest potential.