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5 Healthy Habit Hacks For 2023

16 December 2022

 We’re heading into another new year and, for many, it’s time to re-evaluate. We all want to move forward in a way that is as positive as possible.

A great way to achieve this is to get yourself into easy healthy habits, so you can start as you mean to go on! In this article, we explore a few ways in which you can start living a healthy lifestyle with minimal stress and expense, thanks to B&M.

Eat Clean

Try to avoid processed foods and artificial sweeteners, aim instead for plenty of fibre, protein and healthy fats.

Research shows that healthy eating can help to tackle high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and other serious health problems in the long term.

The more food you cook at home from scratch using fresh ingredients and plenty of veggies, the less likely you are to consume additives that impact negatively on your health.

It’s easier than you think to get extra vitamins and minerals into your diet - why not invest in a blender and start the day with a healthy smoothie, cook up a hearty soup or simply pack extra vegetables into your standard meals?

You should also keep a bottle, a glass of water or another healthy, vitamin-rich drink close to hand at all times - that way, you’ll remember to stay hydrated.

B&M Top Tip: You can also supplement your diet with vitamin tablets to make sure you get the right balance. The right nutrition will help support your immune system as well as helping you to generally look and feel good!

Challenge Yourself

Want to feel fulfilled and proud of yourself? Why not take up a new hobby or set up a new goal for 2023? Consider learning a new language, picking up a skill or socialising with new groups of people.

The sense of achievement as you continue to see improvements, celebrate milestones or hold in your hand something that you have created cannot be beaten!

B&M Top Tip: Taking on something new doesn’t need to cost the earth. There are thousands of how-to videos on YouTube that will enable you to learn for free.

What’s more, here at B&M, we have an entire Craft & Design section offering super-affordable creative tools and materials to help you with any creative project.

Move More

Regular exercise is so important. Not only does it keep our bodies healthy, but it also releases endorphins, which improve our mood and reduce stress. It may sound counter-intuitive, but many people who have taken up regular exercise report feeling more energetic than before.

It is advised that we undertake physical activity on a regular basis - 30 minutes per day is ideal, or as close to that as is achievable! Why not pick up an affordable fitness tracker, so you can keep an eye on your achievements throughout the day or week?

B&M Top Tip: If your goal is to get slimmer, remember not to obsess over numbers or celebrities’ figures!

While weighing yourself regularly can be beneficial, your version of “healthy” will look very different from the next person’s - and the digital readout on your scales won’t necessarily tell the whole story!

Prioritise Your Mental Health

It is so important to invest time and energy in your own comfort and well-being. Issues like overwork, burnout, stress and anxiety are not only very unpleasant in their own right, but they can even have an impact on physical things, like your gut health, heart rate and blood pressure.

Try to take time away from screens and social media, and take up a meditative or reflective hobby like journaling or meditation.

Even something as simple as going for a gentle walk, enjoying a relaxing bath, listening to music or spending time with friends can make a huge difference to your mental health. A healthy mind is the best tool to help you achieve more when you’re ready to get going again!

B&M Top Tip: Cluttered, untidy or unappealing surroundings can have a negative impact on your mental health and your capacity to relax. Consider making some aesthetic changes to your everyday environment with affordable homeware and furnishings.

Get Organised

This may sound like extra work - but taking control of your schedule and getting your priorities in order can actually be really empowering, satisfying and even fun! What’s more, once it’s done, you’ll be able to achieve more without any of the stress you might otherwise have faced.

First, get yourself an attractive notebook, diary or planner - as even the simple action of taking things down manually can be really cathartic! Next, write down each major thing you wish to achieve throughout the year, then break these tasks down into manageable timelines.

Take note of deadlines and important dates so you never double-book yourself - and take care not to fill your entire schedule right away. New things will crop up and plans will change, and that’s Ok. You need to be able to go with the flow without feeling too stressed.

B&M Top Tip: Of course, the easier the tasks you set yourself, the more likely you are to go through with them - and to persevere with them on an ongoing basis.

Don’t hold yourself to an impossible standard and don’t beat yourself up when things start to slide. Just pick yourself up and keep going!

All of the above are healthy habits that are super easy to maintain. If you’re keen on living a healthy lifestyle from here on, simply follow our advice and never put too much pressure on yourself.

Check out our affordable Health & Beauty range to find products that will help to support positive mental and physical well-being, or if you’re looking to start some healthy habits in the New Year, check out our latest Shape Up range in-stores - filled with affordable health and fitness products like fitness trackers, vitamins, protein shakes, and low-fat grills and air fryers to help you stay on track.

What are your plans for self-improvement in 2023? Share your ideas and tips with the B&M Community via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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