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How to Get the Most Out of Healthy Eating Week This Year at B&M!

09 June 2023

We all strive to be happier and healthier in our everyday lives. But obstacles and distractions can cause us to lose focus and relent on our fitness and health goals.

That’s why this Healthy Eating Week UK, we at B&M are here to offer advice and guidance on how to maintain your healthy habits and improve your lifestyle.

Healthy Eating Week is an event set up by the British Nutrition Foundation which promotes healthier lifestyles and offers support to those in need of help and guidance.

This year the event is focused on the cost-of-living crisis and how to affordably improve your diet and fitness levels. They are providing free, evidence-based support for everyone who wants to find their way to eat a healthier diet regardless of financial barriers.

That’s why B&M are here to offer affordable and high-quality Diet and Fitness products to aid in your health and fitness journey.

Get involved at B&M and elsewhere from the 12th to 16th of June and take part in the national celebration of healthy eating and positive health choices.

Healthy Eating Tips & Tricks

From time to time, everybody needs help and guidance on how to build and maintain healthy habits.

That’s why we at B&M are here to offer three tips and tricks on how to affordably make healthier choices day to day.

1) Always try to buy larger value packs of healthy products

Healthy foods can sometimes be more expensive than their fattening and unhealthy counterparts.

One way to solve this is buying larger value packs of healthy foods such as the Skinny Crunch Snack Bars 5pk available at B&M.

Instead of spending more money on a single bar or choosing a cheaper unhealthy alternative, the value 5 pack is £1 giving you 5 times more value for a cheaper price. The bars are also a great healthy choice as they are high in fibre and low calories.

2) Research cheaper and healthier meals to cook at home

Buying food that’s prepared is much more expensive than cooking at home, and often very unhealthy.

Taking that small amount of extra time to prepare and cook your own food will make massive savings and allow you to know what’s going in your food. Being able to pick your own ingredients allows for calorie control, which forms good healthy habits and develops health knowledge to make sure you keep on track.

 Why not try some of Healthy Eating Week UK’s Recipes on their website for affordable and brilliantly nutritious meals.

3) Cook and prepare your food in a healthier way

Now it may seem obvious to state that cooking in a healthier way is better for you.

However, there are many widely unknown ways you can reduce your fat intake by cooking in a healthier style. For example, cooking food in a low-calorie spray rather than oil will reduce the excess calories your meal accumulates during the cooking process.

In addition, cooking food in an air fryer, grill or steamer will reduce the oil used and create some great tasting food in the process. Here at B&M we offer great Kitchen and Cooking Electricals which will revolutionise your cooking and lead to better tasting and healthier meals.

Healthy Eating Electricals

Food preparation is key to creating a well-balanced and healthy dish.

Here at B&M we have an amazing selection of Kitchen Electricals perfect for you to start crafting some culinary masterpieces.

The Tower Air Fryer 4L is a high quality and affordable appliance perfect for all your meals. Fast, versatile and requiring little to no oil this 1500W health fryer is ideal for both everyday family meals and dinner parties. Air fryers also use 99% less oil in the cooking process, so you can be sure all your meals are healthy and nutritionally complete.

Another great kitchen appliance is the Breville Blend Active. Perfect for healthy smoothies, juice, protein shakes and more this high-powered blender is ideal for busy weekday mornings before you head out to work, school or the gym.

Nothing is worse than a lumpy protein shake but fear not, the Mo Health Hurricane Protein Shaker is perfect for you. Made for protein & diet shakes, meal replacement formulas and milkshakes this easy clean shaker will make sure any healthy drink, juice or shake you consume on your health journey is made to perfection.

B&M Top Tip: Make sure to check out the Kitchen Electricals category on our website to see other sizes of our Air Fryers and Blenders, so you can get the perfect one for you.

Healthy Snacks

Snacking can be a difficult habit to break whilst trying to improve your health and wellbeing. Swap out your chocolate bars and crisps for some healthy alternatives with our help at B&M.

The Snickers Hi-Protein Bar is a great protein bar substitute as a snack. With the same great Snickers flavour but packed with 20g of protein, it's the perfect pre or post workout snack or midday treat.

Most breakfast cereals are packed with unwanted and unhealthy sugars. That's why the Mo Health Granola Super Nutty Crunch, is a great healthy breakfast alternative. Containing a variety of nuts and honey this delicious breakfast Granola is nutritionally complete and a brilliant healthy option.

To pack the most value into a snack don't miss out on the Slimfast Meal Shake. Serving 16 meals in one tub and providing 23 vitamins and minerals this is the perfect dieting shake for you.

B&M Top Tip: When making a shake be sure to use either water or low-fat/zero fat milk to stop adding any sneaky calories into your nutritious shake.

Fitness Supplies

Make your fitness journey easier with some high quality and affordable Fitness Supplies here at B&M.

Stay in the loop and track your fitness journey with this Goodmans Smart Watch. With a ten-day battery life and waterproof sealing you can track your progress through the seamless connection to your iPhone with daily updates. The perfect workout and dieting tool!

Ensure your whole nutritional profile is complete and you're getting any vitamins you may lack in your diet with the Vital Vitamins A-Z Multi-Vitamins + Minerals 150pk. This large pot will last months and will guarantee your immune system is the best it can be. A great dietary food supplement.

Take your training to the next level with SCI-MX Total Mass Protein 2kg. This delicious food supplement helps increase muscle strength and leanness when consumed as part of an active lifestyle and healthy diet. Perfect for muscle support and repair.

B&M Top Tip: Check out B&M's Sports & Active Wear so you can be ready in all the exercise gear you'll need for your health journey.

How are you spending Healthy Eating Week UK next week? Are you planning on kick starting your fitness journey? Share your plans with the B&M Community via TwitterFacebook or Instagram.

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