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What are the Best Rainy Day Activities for Kids?

27 March 2020

Spring can be a mixed bag when it comes to weather. The longer days and milder temperatures can spark ideas like morning play in the garden, afternoon games in the park and even a day at the seaside.

But the intermittent showers usually put a halt to these plans, leaving you with little time to come up with a new plan. Which is why the B&M team have come up with some fun ideas to keep kids entertained, whatever the weather!

Read on for our top rainy-day activities for kids.

Drawing & Colouring In

The best thing about a lot of our rainy-day activities is that you need very little to keep them entertained! Most of you will already have everything you need in your homes, be it what's in your stationery cupboard, your craft box, on your games shelf or the household items you’ll be using as props.

Drawing and colouring in are activities that can go on for hours, and they allow children to be as creative as they like!

Make a Rainbow Picture

Why not join in with the rest of the country in spreading happiness to your neighbours? All over the UK, children have been sticking colourful rainbows in their windows to put a smile on the faces of passers-by.

All you need is a blank piece of paper and your favourite colouring pens or pencils.

Play Board Games


Board games = guaranteed family fun! Whether you’re 5 or 50, there are tons of games to keep you and the kids entertained, from classics like Monopoly and Operation, to quiz and card based games like Trivial Pursuit and Uno.

Make a Den

Whether it’s straight out of bed in the morning or getting comfy in the evening, there’s no bad time of day for a den.

Throw a spare sheet or two over a couple of chairs, lay down your duvet and rack up some cushions; kids will love the new, cosy safe space for them to read, play or watch their favourite films or TV shows.

Play Musical Chairs or Statues

Burning off enough energy in the confines of your own home can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have lots of space.
But these are two inclusive games that only require chairs (or none in the case of musical statues) and their favourite tunes!

Keep a Diary

After a long day of play indoors, there should be lots for kids to talk about. What did they get up to? What was their favourite part of the day? What are their wishes for the next day or week?

Keeping a diary is a great way to help kids unwind before bed. It offers a quiet period of reflection that will also give you the chance to tidy up the trail of destruction they’ve left behind!

Take a look at our amazing range of pads and notebooks and let them scribble away!

B&M Top Tip: you'll find much more for little ones and teens in our Kids Stationery range! Browse the latest designs in pencil cases, pens, pencils, pen toppers and notebooks!

Set up a Home Tuck Shop


A great way to keep on top of their mental arithmetic, a tuck shop is a fun (and tasty) activity for the whole family.

Buy in some sweets and chocolates, and let the little ones take charge: pricing up their stock, keeping an inventory, totting up the total cost, and working out how much they owe in change.

Indoor Treasure Hunt

Hide some treasure around the house and garden and let them loose until they find their plunder! You can add a theme if you like: how about pirates; or knights?

The treasure can be a little treat such as chocolate (or fruit for a healthier snack) or small toys – just don’t forget to leave clues to help them out along the way.

Get Baking


Another family-friendly activity that’s lots of fun to take part in while offering a convenient educational element (though the kids might not realise!)

Ask them to read through the ingredients of your cupcake, brownie or biscuit recipe and weigh out each one-by-one, following the instructions. They’ll learn about different measurements while keeping their mental maths skills sharp outside the classroom.

And the best part of all? Enjoying the delicious results of a hard day’s work!

B&M Top Tip: need baking inspiration? You’ll find lots of yummy Recipes in our Lifestyle section. And all the Baking Ingedients and Bakeware you need is available in-store!

What have you been up to on your rainy-days? Got any great games and ideas to share with other parents? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

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