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B&M BIG CLEAN COMPETITION - ONE Chance to WIN a £300 B&M Gift Card, Courtesy of P&G!

Competition News

23 December 2015

Winners of the Rolson In Car Dash Cameras!

Find out if you are one of the eight winners of our competition to win a Rolson in car dash camera!

21 December 2015

Winners of the Star Wars Bedding Competition!

The force is strong with our fans and here are the 3 winners of the B&M Star Wars Bedding competition...

16 December 2015

Winners of the B&M Fragrance Giveaway!

Find out if you were one of the 12 winners to recieve a B&M fragrance gift!

11 December 2015

Winner of the B&M Christmas Hamper

Find out who won the Christmas hamper in this week's BIG Giveaway...

09 December 2015

Winners of the Flora Cupcake Maker Competition

We are delighted to announce the winners of the Flora cupcake maker competition are...